Minecraft Contoller

This is a project assisting a GSCE Art student who wanted to design a 3D...

1 minute read

Tippenny Guitar

The Tippenny1 Guitar was one of my first arduino MIDI controllers. Hardware Shields Built around...

2 minute read

Programable MIDI switch box

Description The box accepts multiple switch inputs. Any momentary contact switch is supported via 3.5mm...

2 minute read


Hexbox MIDI The Hexbox MIDI is another capacitive touch MIDI controller. It works in a...

1 minute read

ATTiny85 Dice

Electronic dice built in with an AT Tiny85 powering a 7 LED display in the...

1 minute read

Proximity Trigger

Proximity Triggers for MIDI Using Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04s.

1 minute read